Website Design for PCG
The PCG website was created as the first version of my Brand. It was originally Para Cosmos Graphics. I changed it to my actual name to not confuse clients and maybe start a brand with my name. I hope you enjoy.
PCG Website
Web Design
As you can see there are three components. There is a laptop, a tablet, and an iphone. All of which I can create a website for and have it reactive and functional.
What I did
- Design
- Logo
Website Design for APE
This website was created as a fake client version for a college class. It was fun to make and I loved the images I used for it. The Brand is called Acadia Park Equipment Company. I hope you enjoy.
APE Website
Web Design
As you can see there are three components. There is a laptop, a tablet, and an iphone. All of which I can create a website for and have it reactive and functional.
What I did
- Design
- Logo
ANF Website
Web Design
As you can see there are three components. There is a laptop, a tablet, and an iphone. All of which I can create a website for and have it reactive and functional.
What I did
- Design
- Logo